
Thelma B







Updated  1-1-2020

Dear Classmate,

I want to thank all Classmates for the generosity that you have shown in regard to our Website.

Our site was launched on Oct 1, 2011 and except for two hits by malware, it has been up 99.99% and received almost 30,000 hits.

I now ask for your help to maintain our site with a $20.00 donation to cover fees and costs associated with our website.

.     Registration of Domain Names
.     Bandwidth
.     Monthly hosting fees  (Our host is GoDaddy)
.    Paid website help when needed

Note:  Posting & maintenance is performed free by Dennis G Yerkey, Norma Mountain Haywood and Priscilla Davis Webb.  Judy Martin Leach handles the money.

I do hope I can count on you for this ongoing project.

If you value our website and decide to donate, draw your check to the order of  MHS Class of 1958 and note your check Website Donation.   Mail your check to Judy as usual.

Judy Leach, MHS1958 Treas
504 Jackson Street
Monongahela  PA  15063

Thank you,
Thelma Wilson Lutes
Chairperson, Fundraising